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Green Fascinator
A Pretty Elegant small green fascinator /green flower corsage, perfect to wear at a wedding whilst being a beautiful mother of the bride/groom or guest, make a subtle statement at the races or for a memorable occasion where you just want a delicate finishing touch to compliment your outfit.
Made from green faux and sinamay, this flower shaped corsage is complemented by delicate feathers. Please be aware, the flower consists of two shades if green as shown in the photo.
It can be worn as a small fascinator in the hair, hair grip or a brooch/corsage As it is mounted on a brooch pin and a crocodile clip (as shown in the picture) so a one off cost offers many uses.
Approximate size is 8-9cm in diameter at widest point.
1 in stock
What people are saying
Prompt delivery - packaged very well. Just what I was looking for so Iām very pleased! Highly recommended! š
Jane C
What people are saying
Perfect for my daughter no wedding matches my outfit perfectly
Rebecca White
What people are saying
Thank you I'm very happy
What people are saying
Good quality matched all I needed
Linda Nichols
What people are saying
I took delivery of my beautiful hatinator today (navy and pink). Just wanted to thank you so much - it is exactly what I was looking for and is a beautiful item! Am so pleased! Thank you! Caroline x
Caroline Clarke