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Purple Fascinator
A Pretty Elegant purple hair fascinator.
Striking fascinator complemented by beautiful beads and feathers.
This fascinator is made from quality purple crin and is mounted on a 0.7cm satin headband so is comfortable to wear.
Approximate size of fascinator is 14-16 cm approx in diameter (excluding feathers).
Please be aware each one will vary in shape to the photo due to each one being handmade.
1 in stock
What people are saying
What people are saying
Loved this item... perfect match for outfit
Neil Gessey
What people are saying
5 * Lovely colour, has hair clip and brooch fastening. Very pretty and well made. Ideal hair accessory to my guest wedding outfit.
What people are saying
I absolutely love this , the colour matches my bag and shoes perfectly, am looking forward to wearing or at my friends wedding early December ❤️
What people are saying
Matches My dress perfectly delighted x